US Military Careers

There are career paths in the US military for every conceivable skill set and education level. Learn about the various paths available to you, the pay scales for every occupation, and the rules and hierarchies that govern life in the military.

  • Soldiers saluting
    Military Reenlistment Eligibility (RE) Codes
  • Combat medic
    Combat Medics in Different Military Branches
  • Soldier doing push ups
    U.S. Military Fitness Test Requirements
  • Male and female military duo crawling together during operations in muddy sand
    What to Know About Special Operations Fitness Tests
  • Combat Controllers
    Creed and Mottos of Special Operations Command (SOCOM)
  • Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL students encounter a large wave during a surf passage exercise.
    Navy SEAL Officer Assessment and Selection (SOAS)
  • Image shows three people in various military uniforms. Text reads: "The main ways to become an officer in the military: reserve officer trainer corps (rotc); service academy; officer candidate school (OCS)"
    US Military Rank and Insignia Chart - Officer
  • Map of the U.S. with all relevant states raised up. Title reads: States with major military installations: California, alaska, colorado, texas, missouri, michigan, ohio, kentucky, tennessee, alabama, georgia, florida, virginia, pennsylvania, new york
    Major U.S. Military Bases and Installations
  • Graphics depicting pros and cons of enlisting in the Coast Guard
    Pros and Cons of Enlisting in the Coast Guard
  • A soldier receiving a commendation
    Army Meritorious Unit Commendation
  • Army Valorous Unit Award
    Army Valorous Unit Award
  • U.S. Army soldier receives army service ribbon
    Army Service Ribbon
  • A hand holding the US medal of honor
    U.S. Army Awards And Decorations
  • Text reads: "Tips for surviving boot camp: study the ranks, general orders, and core values for your particular service; if joining the marines, learn at least the first verse of the marine's hymn; work out for a few months before joining boot camp; learn to do push-ups for a full two minutes; practice running sprints and long distances; know how to swim if you're joining the navy, coast guard, or marines; quit smoking beforehand"
    Success In Army Basic Combat Training (BCT)
  • Soldier in basic training
    Surviving Navy Boot Camp
  • Marines pullups
    Marine Corps Physical Fitness Charts
  • man in hazmat suit holding vial of green liquid
    Military Vaccinations and Disease Prevention
  • No text. Image shows a crew inside a large submarine. There are two people in orange jumpsuits walking through a corridor with purple walls, and there are two men wearing purple polo shirts and khaki pants, standing inside a pod with a ladder.
    Interesting Facts About Navy Submarines
  • Doctor prescribing medication to young soldier during therapy session
    The Military Medical PULHES Grading System
  • Get a Female's Perspective of Air Force Basic Training
  • soldier in fatigues holding a drink
    Drunk on Duty, Article 112 of the UCMJ
  • Soldier returning home
    Early Discharge From the Military
  • Image a shows a large group of coast guard trainees in uniform. Text reads: "Coast guard boot camp: what to know before you attend: expect to spend a total of 53 days in cape may, NJ. One of the first things you'll experience is a complete search of your personal possessions. Try to learn to swim before you leave for boot camp. Memoize coast guards ranks. Bring a copy of your marriage certificate. Bring $50 in cash in small bills to cover purchases during boot camp."
    Some Tips and Tricks for Surviving Coast Guard Boot Camp
  • Naval medals pinned to jacket
    Navy and Marine Corps Awards and Decorations
  • Image shows a person in navy uniform standing on top of a fighter jet, with two others flying through the air. Text reads: "Requirements for qualifying as a navy airman: combined score of 210 on the verbal, arithmetic, mechanical knowledge, automotive, and shop sections of the ASVAB tests; normal color perception (no colorblindness); U.S. Citizen status; secret security clearance from the dept. of defense involving background check of finances and character, plus past drug use of alcohol abuse" "
    Navy Boot Camp
  • Soldiers in uniform
    Individual Drill - Commands
  • Noon formation outside Bancroft Hall at US Naval Academy.
    Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)
  • Army physical fitness test
    U.S. Army Fitness Requirements for Males Ages 42 to 46
  • Air Force Pilot and F-15 Eagle
    Air Force Pilot Physical Medical Examination Standards
  • U.S. Army Administrative Promotion Points for E-5/E-6
  • Army Basic
    Army General Orders and More (Army Basic Training)
  • US Army Camouflage Uniform and Cap
    Army Sergeant and Staff Sergeant Promotion Requirements
  • Military to Civilian
    Military Justice 101: Discharges
  • Acquisition and Financial Management Badge
    Air Force Occupational and Aeronautical Badges
  • army basic training
    Army Training Phase Restrictions
  • Recruit taking a Navy Swim Test
    Navy Swim Test Qualifications
  • Pilot operating the cockpit of a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter.
    Army Aviation Medical Standards and Flight Physicals
  • West Point from the Hudson River, New York
    West Point Majors and Fields of Study
  • Image shows two members of the navy. Text reads: "How to improve promotion chances in the navy: get approved to become a commanding officer of a ship, submarine, are wing, SEAL Team; get accepted for a major command; establish a stellar record of performance at the 0-6 level; discuss your career and your hopes for promotion with your commanding officer and with other officers. including senior LDOs and CWOs"
    How to Rise in Naval Rank With Officer Promotions
  • Mark McFarland, a fitness program coordinator for Navy Region Hawaii, observes Cryptologic Technician (Interpretive) 2nd Class Shannon Forbes as she performs a body composition assessment on Senior Chief Navy Diver Paul Adams as part of the Command Fitness Leader course.
    Navy Height and Weight 2019 Standards
  • Paratrooper float and maneuvering a parachute during military training
    Army Parachutist Badges
  • Soldiers marching
    Army CMF Military Job Specialties
  • Navy enlisted ranks
    Navy Enlisted Promotion Chart
  • Returning soldier hugging wife in airport
    Navy Leave, Liberty, TDY, and More Benefits
  • Naval officers in row saluting
    Military Commissioned Officer Promotions
  • United States of America armed forces patch with American flag in the background
    Air Force Enlisted Force Structure
  • Marine Sergeant Inspecting Recruits
    Information About Military Enlistment and Reenlistment
  • U.S. Troops Train In South Korea
    US Army Physical Fitness Test Requirements
  • U.S. Air Force pilots exciting plane
    Air Force Senior Airman (E-4) Below the Zone Promotions
  • Navy General Orders of the Sentry Graphic
    11 General Orders of the Sentry
  • Soldier talking to young man at military recruitment event
    Where and When to Go to MEPS Locations
  • Marines running during basic training.
    Marine Corps Recruit Weight and Body Fat Standards
  • Young sailor in the harbor
    Frequently Asked Questions About Navy Assignments
  • First six USAF airmen to receive the Air Force Combat Action Medal
    Air Force Ribbons and Medals
  • U.S. Air Force Airmen Salute the Captain of an F-15 Eagle
    What You Need to Know About the Air Force Officer Qualifying Test
  • Arial view of the US Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland
    Navy Class A School Student Policies and Restrictions
  • Military Pilot
    US Military Pilot Age Requirements and Limits
  • Illustration of navy uniform
    The History of Navy Uniforms
  • Two RAF Pilots in Helicopter
    Air Force Security Forces - Phoenix Raven
  • Black soldier using computer in class
    Army Military Education Promotion Points for E-5/E-6
  • Recruits at MEPS
    ASVAB Scores Required For Navy Ratings (Jobs)
  • More In: Career Paths
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